PADI Emergency first response instructor
As an Emergency First Responder you already know how important these skills are, not just in diving but in life in general! You know life saving skills...but how about passing on your knowledge to others and become a life saving instructor? Take our Emergency First Responder Instructor Course and promote these important skills to others.
1 day course
This course takes a minimum of 1 day to complete. The majority of students complete the course within this timeframe.
course manuals
The course can began at home. Once your booking is made, we will send you the course manuals.
To complete the course, we will complete a number of sessions teaching you the basics of how to demonstrate skills and effectively run the Emergency First Response course. Your classroom teaching and ability to mentor students will be assesed.
world recognised certification
This certification is accepted world wide.
Emergency first response or equivalent
If you are not sure that you have the previous experience to complete this course, just ask.
Pricing & Inclusions
Course manuals
The course manuals required will be sent to you following booking.
Your 1 day of training.
additional costs
You will be required to pay the relevant PADI application fee.